Restrictions applied to passenger traffic at airports in Europe

Restrictions applied from 20 April 2020 to passenger traffic at the main airports in Europe

This is a summary of the restrictions which are applied from 20 April 2020 to passenger traffic at the main airports in Europe, because of the Corona virus. Countries that are not on this page, can be found by downloading this file here.


Austrian, EEA/EU and Swiss citizens, their family, legal Austrian residents, on 14 days self monitored home quarantine plus other requirements and exemptions; Third country nationals not allowed to enter Austria from outside Schengen area with exemptions; third country citizens entering Austria from the Schengen area to provide certificate proving no infection with COVID-19; exemptions applied for crews and other categories of passengers

Flights between Austria and China/Iran/Italy/ South Korea/France/ Switzerland/Spain/Unit ed Kingdom/The Netherlands/ Ukraine/Russia are prohibited; exemptions granted for cargo, emergency, ambulance, ferry, repatriation flights.


EBBR – Pax flights only allowed to operated btn 0800UTC and 1600UTC, exemptions given for ACFT in emerg, cargo flights, technical landing, HUM/MED/REP flights after coordination with airport authorities, UN flights, MIL flt; general aviation flights, PPR handling company required; Belgium A1002/20 2004211056-2005032159EST Airport availability EBCI – operational hours 0715-1415, with exemptions granted for emerg, cargo, Mil, state, Medical, ferry and main flt Belgium B1697/20 2004161400-2005032159 Airport availability EBTX closed to all traffic; aviation flights, PPR handling company required; Belgium A1002/20 2004211056-2005032159EST Airport availability EBCI – operational hours 0715-1415, with exemptions granted for emerg, cargo, Mil, state, Medical, ferry and main flt Belgium B1697/20 2004161400-2005032159 Airport availability EBTX closed to all traffic;


All international flights prohibited from 21:00 UTC on 13 April 2020 to 20:59 UTC on 27 April 2020 exemptions granted for cargo flights (at some airports), returning flights for Finnish citizens (at some airports), state, SAR, firefighting, medical, overflights; provisions for pax returning from Finland; additional flight approval procedures


Foreign pax not allowed to enter France except citizens and their spouses or children from EU and UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Andorra, Monaco, Switzerland, Vatican and San Marino; exemptions also for citizens who have long term resident permits/visas in France and EU and who return home; other exemptions granted

LFQQ authorised for state, emergency, MEDEVAC, hospital, diversion upon notice to AD manager LFQQ is authorized to the following flights upon PN 6HR to the AD manager – flights carrying out pax for repatriation of French or foreign nationals; flights carrying out freight transport needed for the crisis, flights ensuing the continuity of essential economic activities France A1698/20 2004211615-2005112159 Airport availability LFOB closed except state, MEDEVAC, HUM, repatriation, freight, IGN, PPR required; LFOB cannot be used as alternate France A1629/20 A1632/20 2004101304-2004262200 2004130000-2004262200 Airport availability LFMT – closed for all flights with exemption granted for emergency flights, HUM/MED/SAR flights, state flights, repatriation flights pax flights need authorization, crew can land but must respect quarantine requirements; LFMT not available as alternate AD except PPR France A1659/20 2004151810-2005312130 Airport availability LFPO closed for commercial traffic, exemptions granted with special authorization for state acft, MEDEVAC, technical, ferry, HUM/REP/Air cargo flights; PPR required; AD cannot be used as alternate France B1481/20 2003301713-2004302359 Airport availability LFCR airport closed, exemptions granted for rescue, sanitary, public safety, missions, state, other authorised aircraft; France B1524/20 2004020641-2006301550 Airport availability LFRH closed with exemptions provided France B1542/20 2004041155-2006042359 Airport availability LFTH availability and operating requirements for various categories of flights; France B1560/20 2004061038-2004302359 Airport availability LFMP airport only available for rescue, sanitary, public safety, missions, state, other authorised aircraft, availability for technical, school and based aircraft, others PPR France B1590/20 2004091650-2004302359 Airport availability LFLC operational hours France E1235/20 2004141000-2005102200 Airport availability LFAV closed; possible opening for state, MEDEVAC and commercial flights with PPR France D1551/20 2004230000-2005102359 Airports availability LFHP – AFIS, RFFS and fuelling not avbl, possible reopening for rescue, sanitary and official flts upon 1HR PPR; France A1696/20 2004201331-2007202359 Airports availability LFBH – PN 48HR for all int extra-schengen and intra-schengen flts;


All pax flying to the German State of Berlin and State of Brandenburg quarantined, other health rules requirements;

Flights from Iran prohibited to land in Germany; EDKM hours of service changed; Germany A2113/20 2003301422-2004302030EST Airport availability EDDR closed to intl flights with exemptions granted for ACFT in state emergency, cargo, technical, HUM/MEDEVAC/REP, UN flights; Germany A2144/20 2003311118-2005232200 Airport availability EDDP flight restrictions flw PPR regulation applied, except recovery flights, rescue, emergency, medical, humanitarian, MET, technical, safety, police. Military, sovereign reasons, commercial cargo Germany A2372/20 2004081428 -2007062359EST Airport availability EDDC airport with daily exemption of operational duty H24 with exceptions granted; Germany C1111/20 C1129/20 2004010000 -2004302359 2004010400 -2004302000 Airport availability EDLW CTR and ATS only available during amended AD OPS HR EDLW available PPR Germany C1151/20 C1245/20 2004010000 -2004302359 2004061157 -2004302200 Airport availability EDLP – closed for all inbound international flights except emergency, cargo, technical landing, HUM/MEDEVAC, repatriation, UN and scheduled flights with all ops PPR Germany C1189/20 2004040000 -2004262359 Airport availability EDHK ops hours Germany C1195/20 C1207/20 2004100000 -2005032359EST 2004031205 -2005032359EST Airport availability EDVE ops hours Germany C1229/20 2004060927 -2005312359 Airport availability EDTL hours of operation changed; Germany C1267/20 2004071800 -2004302359 Airport availability EDGS ops hours Germany C1276/20 2004140000 -2004300500EST Airport availability EDTM available PPR Germany C1345/20 004170845 -2005032200 Airport availability EDFQ available PPR Germany C1351/20 2004171005 -2004262359 Airport availability EDJA available PPR Germany C1352/20 2004171102 -2005032200 Airport availability EDVK operational hours and exemptions Germany E0883/20 2004010000 -2004302359 Airport availability EDMT available PPR Germany E0901/20 2004011500 -2004302000 Airport availability EDVA available PPR Germany E1015/20 2004161419 -2005032359 Airport availability EDTF – AD PPR; Germany E0997/20 2004200700 -2005151700 Airport availability EDAK available PPR Germany E0999/20 2004160858 -2005032359 Airport availability EDOV ops hours Germany E1000/20 2004160945 -2005031800 Airport availability EDLB available PPR Germany E1002/20 2004161010 -2005032359 Airport availability EDWL available PPR Germany E1003/20 2004161019 -2005032350 Airport availability EDKD available PPR Germany E1005/20 E1006/20 2004200700 -2005031830 2004200700 -2005031830 Airport availability EDKV availability Germany E1010/20 2004161156 -2005032000 Airport availability EDLE availability Germany E1015/20 2004161419 -2005032359 Airport availability EDTF available PPR Germany E1017/20 2004170000 -2005032359 Airport availability EDCB availability Germany E1026/20 2004170722 -2005031630 Airport availability EDLH hours of service Germany E1033/20 2004170911 -2005252359 Airport availability EDTG available PPR Germany E1035/20 2004170952 -2005031830 Airport availability EDKB hours of service Germany E1036/20 2004170958 -2005311600 Airport availability EDSN available PPR Germany E1038/20 2004191800 -2005031800 Airport availability EDFB available PPR Germany E103 9/20 2004171049 -2005032300 Airport availability EDVC available PPR Germany E1044/20 2004200600 -2004221830 Airport availability EDKA closed Germany E1048/20 2004171217 -2005032200 Airport availability EDXJ available PPR Germany E1050/20 E1051/20 2004200000 -2004242359 2004270000 -2004302359 Airport availability EDXQ available PPR Germany E1054/20 2004200600 -2005031800 Airport availability EDAY availability Germany E1060/20 2004200700 -2005300700 Airport availability EDXN available PPR Germany E1061/20 2004200700 -2005031800 Airport availability EDCM hours of service Germany A2610/20 2005020400 -2005312000 Airport availability EDDE closed every Sat – Sun from 02 to31May, except with 6HR PPR for government coor recover flts due to COVID19, rescue and emergency, medical and hum flts, police, mil and other sovereign reason, commercial cargo flts, police hel Thuringia;


EIWF – strictly PPR for all operations: int flights a min of 24HR PPR required, domestic flights a min of 1HR required

EINN only operational during 0500-2100UTC daily;

EIKN closed MON-WED and FRI-SUN, CTR hours of service THU 1623 and 30 0700- 1600


Flights between China, Hong Kong and Macao, are prohibited with some exemptions for overfly, STATE/ MEDEVAC/HOSP/ HUM, medical eqpt cargo flights. Cargo flights require special approval;

LIRA closed except HEMS, state, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, cargo, ferry, firefighting flights, rescue and maintenance flights;

LICJ closed except for authorised airlines, territorial connections with Lampedusa and Pantelleria airports not affected;

LIBR closed except for state, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, military, HUM, cargo, ferry, emergency allowed with PN;

LIME closed to all traffic except cargo, state, military, medical, emergency, positioning, ferry;

LIML closed except for HEMS, EMS, hosp/ambulance and based acft for maintenance;

LIMW closed except for hel, emerg medical SER (HEMS), state and mil acft, general aviation

LIPH closed to all traffic

LICD closed except emergency, state and territorial connection flights; LICD – daily (0400-0600 1800-2000) flw ad services not provided: ad administration, custom, immigration, health, sanitation, handling and security medical, state, military flights

LICC closed for all pax flights except authorised carriers

LIEO closed except HEMS, state, military, HUM, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, cargo, ferry, firefighting flights with PPR;

LIEA closed to all traffic except HEMS, state, military, SAR, HUM, HOSP, ferry, NAVAIDS flt check ops by ENAV

LIMG closed except state, sanitary, ferry, nav flt checks ops by ENAV, emergency flights

LICB closed except HEMS, state, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, ferry, firefighting flights, rescue, ambulance, emergency state and military, buster air traffic and public service obligations flights;

LIRQ closed except for cargo, state, mil, medical, emergency and ferry flt;

LIRZ closed except HEMS, HOPS, ambulance, emergency, state, military, firefighting, navaids check flts by ENAV, ferry flts with PN;

LIBC closed except HEMS, HOPS, ambulance, emergency, state, military, buster air traffic, navaids check flts by ENAV, cargo, ferry flts and public service obligations with PN;

LICR closed except HEMS, state, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, ambulance, military, emergency, buster air traffic, cargo, ferry, public service operations allowed with PN;

LIMZ closed except rescue, emergency, medical, helicopter, state, military, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, firefighting, SAR flights

LIBG closed except military base, cargo, Blackshape – state, ,military, HUM, HOSP, navaids flight check ops by ENAV, ferry, emergency flights

LIPR closed except HUM, ambulance, medical state flights with PN

LICT closed except HEMS, emergency, state, military, buster air traffic, navaids check flts by ENAV with PN

LIPB closed except for state acft and flt with flw status: state, emerg and medlimzical, navaids fltck operated be ENAV, firefighting and search and rescue

LIRS closed except emergency, state, medical and ferry flights;

LIPQ closed to all traffic

LICG closed except territorial connection, emergency, HEMS, buster air traffic, security air traffic, NAVAIDS flt check ops by ENAV, public service obligation flightsLIPX closed to all traffic btn 0800 -1600 except cargo, mail, state, emergency, medical, ferry, NAVAIDS flt check ops by ENAV and closed to all traffic between 1600 -0800;

LIMP closed except military, state, ferry, NAVAIDS check operated by ENAV, emergency, medical, based aircraft for maintenance flights with PN;

LIPO – closed except for cargo and mail flts (opening hours);

LIDT closed to all traffic except state, emergency, medical, SAR, GA, aerial work flights

LIMA closed except for hel, emerg medical SER (HEMS), state and mil acft, general aviation

LIPD closed to all traffic

LILC closed to all traffic

LILB closed to all traffic

LILY closed to all traffic

LILM closed except HEMS, state, military, GA, aerial work; PN required

LIQN closed for all traffic

LIRV closed to all civil traffic, no exemptions;

LIRL closed to all civil traffic with no exemptions

LIRJ – closed with exceptions granted for cargo, state, mil, medical, emergency and ferry flt, operational hours – administration, ATS, fuelling, handling and security;

LIAF closed except state, military, emergency, SAR flights

LIDF closed

LIQW closed to all civil traffic with no exemptions

LIDG closed except helicopter, rescue, state flights

LIPM closed to all traffic

LIMB closed except for HEMS, state, military, arial work

LIDR closed except HEMS, state, military flights; LIRU closed (daily 0530 -2000) except state, emergency, medical, SAR flights

LIDV closed to all traffic;

LIDU closed except helicopter, emergency, medical, state, military flights;

LIDP closed except HEMS, state, military flights

LIPF closed exc for rescue and state flights

LIAP closed except for HEMS, state, mil acft, general aviation incl arial work

LILE closed except for HEMS state, mil acft, general aviation including areal work

LILA closed to all traffic

LIMR closed to all traffic

LIDE closed except for HEMS, state and mil acft, tfc to/fm EUROAVIA

LIQS closed exc for HEMS, state and mil and areal work flights ;

LIQL closed exc for HEMS, state and mil and areal work flights ;

LIQB closed exc for HEMS, state and mil and areal work flights ;

LILQ closed exc for HEMS, state and mil, areal work flt

LILI closed except for hel, emerg medical SER (HEMS), state and mil acft, general aviation

LILN closed except for Leonardo, Italian air force and Guardia di Finanza flights

LIPN closed to all traffic;

LIPV closed to all traffic except state, emergency, medical, SAR, GA, aerial work flights

LIDL closed except state, emergency, medical, SAR flights

LIPU closed to all traffic except state, emergency, medical, SAR, GA, aerial work flights;

LIDA closed to all traffic except state, emergency, medical, SAR, GA, aerial work flights;

LIDB closed to all traffic except state, emergency, medical, SAR, GA, aerial work flights;

LIDH closed to all traffic except state, emergency, medical, SAR, GA, aerial work flights